Monday, July 27, 2009


So this is our house. 
(pre-paint job)
We moved in 7 years ago. 

When we pulled up to see it the first time I said, 'Its cute, how have I never seen this house before when I lived around the corner for 5 years growing up?'
When we steped inside I knew it was our house. I felt it. 
Its not perfect, not by a long shot. 

It is old. 
Built in 1900. 
But if you know us, you know we care more about character and history than perfection. And this house is the epitomie of character! 

It has a parqued floor in one area that is truly beautiful and someday it might not be covered in toys! It is actually 2 homes put there are 2 stairways to the basement, and 2 to the second story. Its the perfect hide and seek house. The ceilings upstairs are all slanted and at odd angles. 
It is also full of any 109 year old house is...the basement is OLD, OLD, OLD. One of my younger brother's had a girl friend who wouldnt even go down in it. The windows are drafty, our bedroom has no heat or central air. The list goes on. The front porch is sagging (The next project). 
But I love the history of it. I love that some of Jordan's relatives lived here long ago. I love that his grandpa on his dad's side delivered coal to the house for the furnace.
I love it that its been here so long there used to be a barn just outside the back door. 

Here's a picture of it from approximately 1915. 

(our scanner isnt working so I actually took a picture of the picture...)

I also love that I've brought 3 babies home to this house and that its the only home any of my kids remember. 

But yes, its a love/hate relationship we've got. Somedays we'd love to sell it and walk away. But somedays, I swear, I will never move. 

And now with the new paint job...the scale has tipped a little bit more to the Love side of the love/hate relationship! 

The lighting isnt the best here, but its a tan, with dark brown trim.  

The original porch...the next project...and what do you think? Should all that trim stay white? 

Here you can see the color a little better. I just love that window. 

This weekend there was a family reunion of the family who owned the house for a very long time. They asked for tours. Jordan gave three. It was a lot of fun to hear what the house used to look like and the memories that they had from visiting 'Aunt Margaret'.  More history!


Natalie Meester said...

Becky, I love your new paint job! I guess I haven't been out and about for awhile because I would have noticed!

I love the fact that your home holds such great history and great memories both new and old!

The old photo is so great and I adore both of the old porches and their architectural details!

Happy Summer!

Melanie said...

I think the porch being white really makes it pop! and I really notice that diamond window now too. Lookin' good! We love old houses too!!

angie said...

Becky, your house looks fantastic! Love it!!

Courtney said...

wow! your house is SO full of character! i LOVE it!!! and i love the white porch. it would also look fun red :-)

Shannon/Jodi said...

The house looks great, and I'm so impressed that you are able to give impromptu house tours!

Beckysblog said...

Well they actually called on Wed. and asked if we'd let them tour.

So I had advance warning!

And Courtney, Jordan's dream is for the doors of the house to be red. I'll let him know you agree!

Cassie said...

for real jordan?!?
that's my dream, too.
i've seriously ALWAYS wanted a red front door!!

Andrea Dellit said...

This is such a great house. I remember the first time we visited you there. I was just wowed how you had made the old & new come together so wonderfully.

It looks fantastic and I LOVE the old picture of the house from 1915...the history is awesome...

It's a sweet and beautiful house. I enjoy watching you guys putting your own twist on it.

Ellie said...

Love the new paint job! Your house is so neat. I agree with Melanie....I think the white on the front porch should stay. I am such a sucker for old front porches!