Thursday, December 24, 2009


We knew that Sully was going to be extremely excited about his new basketball. He has a hoop in his room and the games have already been pretty intense!

Could there be a happier look on a little boy's face?

As soon as he stopped laughing and yelling he said, 'Daddy! Let's go play!'
And this was the first present he opened...the others didn't even matter!
(The excitement is probably due to the fact that he's been playing with a pink ball of his sister's until now!)


Anonymous said...

We just need a bigger basketball court. The 12 x 12 room with a car bed and train table in it doesn't allow for showing off many moves. He's actually a pretty good shot! Hopefully he has some grandpa Dennis in him.

Anonymous said...

May he continue to delight all of us, esp. his uncles and this mother of many boys...he loves to be my BIG helper...told me when 5 would carry my Christmas tree down...he would be Really big then//

mama barb