Thursday, December 10, 2009


Some crazy people out there who have mentioned being jealous of all our snow, requested some pictures. Mine aren't great or amazing to see but this is what I've got. Check out Trina's blog for some better country shots!

This is out our door. The snow is past my knees. Papa Dennis' snow crew was here mid-morning and we were released from our 'prison'. The weather station is saying we got around 10 inches here. But the drifts in the country are horrid. I guess there are lots of roads still un-open. Who knows if there will be school tomorrow or not?! Besides that it is frigid out. Frigid. Like -20 with the windchill or something. You cant even play out in the snow when its like this.

So the kids and I ventured out as soon as we were able...we went to the store and the library. We could have stayed there for hours. The kids had a blast and played great...the opposite of what had been going on at our own house!

We're headed to grandma Barb's after naps for her famous, Blizzard Day Homemade Donuts. Cant wait. Supper is ready to go in the oven and if you are in our area and need a meal, stop by, this recipe made enough for a family of 15, not 6. Wow.

Stay Warm!

1 comment:

trista said...

Thanks for sharing! Yes, I'm still jealous. I want to be snowed in too!