Saturday, December 05, 2009

Picture taking 101

Every year we have family pictures taken with Jordan's mom and dad, two sisters and their families. Its like the ONE thing Grandma Cindy asks of us all year. And she even goes out and buys each of the kids a new outfit for the event...and yet us 'older' kids still have been known to complain.

This year's pictures were scheduled for today at 11 am, 30 minutes from here. I had everything ready. We left the house in a hurry (of course) and when we pulled into the parking lot of the photo studio my heart fell down to my toes.

See I had planned ahead...been so smart! I had the kids clothes all hung up in a plastic bag and a small bag with the shoes ect. So yeah, where we they? ON AVERY's BED, AT HOME!
What's the most important thing you need for large group family pictures? Uh, the matching outfits for everyone! Its like going sking and forgetting your skis!

I frantically called Jordan's two sisters to see if they could turn around and get them for us but they were minutes away from the studio.
We went in and told Cindy...she didn't even believe us.
So then I called my mom and begged her to bring them over. She of course did because she is my savior constantly!

We messed up the whole schedule and made everyone wait...but the pictures got done.

Cindy, all I can say is .... OOPS!!!!!! And I'm sorry!

And Garrick, stop enjoyed this little mix-up just a little too much!


Anonymous said... who's 62, you or me?!!!!


Garrick said...

he he he...

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling it's going to take a long time before you live that one down!

Beckysblog said...

Luckily I have great sister- in laws who reminded me of all their mixups so I couldn't feel too bad.