Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Summary of a Tuesday

*The tree and all decorations are down. I for one am not happy that Christmas is over so I find this whole process annoying and depressing! I want it to be December 20th. Maybe like all year long!

*The toys and games are put away! This accomplishment makes me giddy! Giddy I tell you!

*Over the past week we've changed 7 light bulbs in our house. 7. Seems odd. I dont know why.

*Its frigid outside. We went to the library and I may not leave the house again until the temperatures reach at least 50.

*Lauren and Avery played EZ Bake Oven all afternoon. And man, that food is not edible! But they enjoy it.

*Sullivan has told me 3 times since 1:00 that he thinks he has 'butterflies in his stomach'. He's lethargic and quiet. Please don't let the flu invade! Please!

*Contessa is getting her molars and she's been pretty clingy and unhappy the past few days. But today she finally seemed much more like herself! She played with her dolly - ALL DAY!

*Tonight my task is to try and tackle this whole 'menu planning - budget adhearing' thing. And possibly respond to about 12 emails that I've received from friends that need attention. I'm getting you - I promise!

*oh, and yes! I am sending out Christmas cards this year. But for the first time ever - they will be New Year's cards. December was beyond stressful for us with me quitting my job...so they will go out later this week. And trust me, the picture is worth the wait!

And that's Tuesday


Choose Joy said...

Weird....we changed 5 lightbulbs last week!!!!! Could it be a surge in electricity from Christmas lights:) ???

Courtney said...

i like those kind of posts! the everyday stuff!

Jennie Peakin said...

Seriously, this light bulb thing is so weird...we have changed 3 light bulbs in the last week at our house too! We just commented yesterday how that is more light bulbs than we have changed all year!

And this might be weird, but I LOVE planning my meals and grocery lists on a budget. It's fun to get creative finding delicious, inexpensive things to make! :)

Beckysblog said...

Ok, the # is now 9! Two more burned out after this post. NINE Light bulbs in 1 week!!!!!

And ok, Jennie...what tips can you give me!? Email me!

Ellie said...

I am lol here!! It has not been in the last week....more like the first or second week of December...but we changed lightbulbs in two closets, both bathrooms, all of our dining room chandelier bulbs and two can lights in the kitchen. WEIRD.

Jamie J said...

The light bulb thing is happening at our house too! Also, I am glad I am not the only one who sent cards out after Christmas!!

Beckysblog said...

Jamie, we got your card today! It made me feel so much better about mine being late. And the girls are getting SO big!