Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last Day

I just wrapped up my last day at work. It was hard.

I'm leaving something I've loved. Something I've worked very hard at and given my all to for 6 years. And there were points of the day where I thought, forget it, Im staying. I changed my mind!

I cried. It was just hard.

But I'm home now, surrounded by my family and Christmas and the promise of an exciting new year and oh my, oh my, am I blessed.

And my sweet, supportive, awesome husband reminded me of this...

'Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.' – Dr. Suess

...and with that, a chapter of my life is closing, and another one is just beginning.

Here's to a wonderful 2010.


Choose Joy said...

Dr. Seuss knows his stuff!

Anonymous said...

Seuss is right and I am so very proud of you=for you and JD making a tough decision looking to the Lord.

Love, peace and joy forever..


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new chapter. It's going to be a great one!!

D G Curren said...

Thanks so much for the quote, Jordan (and Dr. Seuss)! I SOOOOOOO needed to hear that as well. Becky, any change is difficult but I have yet to hear from a mom who regrets her decision to stay home. Your kids will thank you too! Thank you for your testimony, faithfulness, and trust in our Heavenly Father. He is so good and has His eye on you!!!

Courtney said...

wow! praying for peace for your heart this week.

Sarah Guild said...

I could say so much... I loved my job, too. The tough decisions in life allow us to lean more on our Lord (and give up control) and for that I am most grateful. Merry Christmas!

Heather said...

love that quote too! be confident in your decision as you made it for all the right reasons with the support of your family and your heavenly Father. you will love your new role! keep looking forward....and up! Have a wonderful holiday season my blog friend!