Tuesday, August 17, 2010

But I'm 90% right!

What's the hardest part about marriage?



Asking God, how do I glorify you when what I really want to do is slug my spouse?

I get emails from Family Life daily. And they tend to be on a cycle. I've gotten this one before but every time I read it I realize that it is such a good reminder that I need to hear now and then. So perhaps their cycle of emails is a good idea!

I dont like to be wrong. But even more - I dont like to be right and still have to be the one to bend and make the move towards forgiveness. I'm also reminded that Jesus Christ was 0% guilty. But He hung on the cross for a 100% guilty world. I owe Him so very much.

And God honors us when we do bend. And He expects us to do it! Even when we are 90% right!

Learning this has made such a difference:

Go from NO-WIN to WIN-WIN in your marriage - by Dennis Rainey

Let's get personal. Have you and your spouse ever had a conflict and didn't deal with it? I think I already know the answer to that question.

Early in our marriage, my wife Barbara and I started the habit of praying together before we fell asleep at night. But one night, it wasn't so easy. In fact, we lay in bed facing in opposite directions, a chasm between us.

In my conscience, that still, small voice whispered, "Are you going to pray with her tonight?"

"I don't like her tonight, Lord," I replied.

"I know you don't. But you're the one who tells people you pray with your wife all the time."

"Yes, Lord. But you know she's 90% wrong." "But," God reminded me, "your 10% started this whole thing."

Wow! Sound familiar at all? Isn't it amazing how easy it is to wreck your fellowship with each other ... and how difficult it can be to set things right?

It's never easy. But learning to faithfully and lovingly resolve those differences yields sweet fruit: husbands and wives experience forgiveness and discover fresh joy, hope, and oneness in their relationship.

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