Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sully and Scones

My newly announced pregnant friend Melanie (did that make sense)
told me she was craving 'my' scones.
To congratulate her recent announcement I told her I'd make her a batch.

Sully and I were home together tonight while Daddy took the 3 girls golfing.

And since Sully's favorite thing in the world is helping me cook - we got to work.
(Real men wear approns)

He's really good help.
His favorite part is the eggs but stirring is fun too.

He was in charge of the milk and sugar on the top...whoa!

While they baked we played 'Cookin' Cookies'
(dont you just love the chocolate on his lips in all of these?)

We had fun.

And for the record - they aren't 'my' scones.
They are Courtney's and they are GOOD.

And I learned a valuable lesson with this baking experience...ALWAYS, always make a double batch...Melanie my love for you is evident by the fact that I actually have any of them left for you to take! :)


trista said...

I wonder when that newly announced pregnant friend is going to divulge details on her blog???

Anonymous said...

THEY WERE DELISH! I admit I barely shared with anyone and I don't feel guilty about that at all. Thanks Becky!!!