Friday, August 20, 2010

the good parts, surprises and realizations

I am still struggling with the start of school. But I am focusing on the good parts now.
First, schedules. I love a good schedule. And organization.
And school supplies and homework and reading their school 'stuff'.
Love it.
Both girls are loving school. Avery is simply beaming.
And hearing her stories after school is like my favorite thing in the world right now.
And they are all so much nicer to each other after school! Yeah!

And I love Spartan Spirit Fridays!

Now I, of course, knew that I would miss them. I thought Sully would miss them. Turns out he is enjoying getting more of my attention. I dont think he misses them much, at least not yet.
But Tess oh my. She has surprised me. She is struggling. She misses them.
She tries to follow them out the door and then throws a fit when I wont let her go.
So the new plan there is that Tess must stay in bed until they are gone!
Today while playing dolls she attempted to pack up her baby and leave the house to go to 'school, mommy.' several times.
Uh. No. Just DAYS ago she promised that she would NEVER go to kindergarten.
What happened to this promise?
But the poor thing she walks from room to room calling their names.

I've realized that part of the reason for my struggle is that I've never sent kids off to the first day of school and then come back home to my house. I've always gone to work. But coming back home makes their absence more obvious. Their 'silence' more deafening. The loneliness for them harder to take.

But you know what's great? I get to be the first one to see them after school. I am the one they are literally running home to talk to about their days. The one to see their excited smiles and dancing eyes. The one who gets to hug and welcome them home.

Yes, this is better. This is much better.

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