Monday, August 02, 2010

a letter

Dear Sullivan's future wife,

No doubt there will be times in your marriage when you question how Sullivan was will likely claim that I must have babied him beyond belief and never expected him to lift a finger.

You will wonder why I didn't train him to put his clothes into the hamper, replace the toilet paper roll and put his shoes by the door. (Although, I must say, at age 4...he does all these things quite well.)

Now, on to the babying complaint. I will admit that when he is sick...something comes out in my that I cannot explain. I do coddle him more than his sisters when they are sick. You can blame me for that.

But its not all my fault.

You see here is an example...Sully hasn't been feeling well since last night. And he has had no shortage of nurses to care for him and wait on him hand and foot. And I am afraid...he loves every second of it.
I'm not the only one 'caring' for him. You see he is growing up in a house full of 'little mothers'.

And yes, this is not going to make your life easy.

But, hopefully you will be blessed with a son of your own and then you will understand.

Please forgive me/us


Your future mother-in-law


Choose Joy said...

That is so awesome....and seriously sweet! I bet the future daughter-in-law will cherish it.

trista said...

Love it!

Ellie said...

Oh how sweet! Becky, I can only pray that Ellie would be lucky enough to have a future mother-in-law as wonderful as you!!

Anonymous said...

but at least he should know very well how to treat a woman!