Tuesday, August 24, 2010

my boy

Before I had a boy I'd hear people call their sons 'all boy' and I'd smile and think
I knew what they meant.

Then I had a boy.
Who is 'all boy'.
And now I get what they mean.

Sullivan is just hysterical lately.
We, his parents, happen to think he has the best personality.
He is constantly making us smile, shake our heads and pray!

Today he got to spend a few hours with my mom.
My mom is so good at letting this 'all boy' boy be just that.
Must be something to do with the fact that she raised 6 of her own who were just like him.

When I pick him up after being at her house he almost always requires a bath.
And I love that.
Today he played in dirt and water.
And he was worm hunting. His latest obsession.
And I mean obsession.
He talks about worms at least 65% of his day.
Today he found one very small worm.
And no worm will ever be loved like this one...named 'little Sully'.

Its so small you cant even find it in the container without him pointing it out.
But he is SO proud.

Some of his other recent cute things include:
During a recent suppertime prayer - 'Dear Jesus, I love you and I praise you. Thank you for eye balls that we have them but cant see them.'

On Sunday, right when the worm obsession started, we were headed out the door for church and Sully was outside before us. He came RUNNING back in yelling, 'It rained! It rained! I gotta get my worm bucket! The worms are out!'

Last week we were coaching Lauren about what to do if she were ever home and I was hurt and unconscious and she needed to call 911. Sullivan was off to the side listening and he adds in his two cents...'Just kiss her if she wont wake up! That will work!'
He might watch too many fairy tales with his sisters!

Also last week he suddenly started coming up to me telling me what 2 + 2, and lots of other combinations of #'s, equaled. He really shocked me when he said, 'Mommy, 3 + 3 + 3 = 9'.
How does he know that?
I have NOT been working on this with him.
Honestly, a little scared by this skill!

His other obsession is with pretending to be a dog.
And I'll admit this one is not so cute to me.
In fact when he licks my ankles it is down right annoying!
But when Tess leads him around on a leash I cant help but laugh!

We love you buddy!
Thank you for showing us what 'all boy' really means!
And stay 4.
You are the best at 4, but seriously, stop licking my ankles!


Happilyoutnumbered said...

I love it!!! You are absolutely right...until you have a boy, you don't really understand! So fun to read about other little boys.......

mama barb said...

All a mother of boys can do is send them outside and have a bath ready!!!

mama barb

Happilyoutnumbered said...

And it makes no difference how long they are outside - 4 hours or 1 minute...they are just as dirty!

Choose Joy said...

I love how you explain things. Ankle licking? Must be a boy thing...Cam licked my toes last night...GROSS! I adore your blog! Thanks!