Tuesday, August 03, 2010


the stomach flu has invaded our house.

so far sully is the only victim.

but he is down for the count. over 36 hours now.

this is NOT how I had expected to spend one of the last 2 weeks before school starts.

im torn between sanitizing everything...and just wanting to tell the other three to go lick sully's face so they get sick NOW not 3 days from now.

i know, disgusting...but that's where im at.

on a better note...you know what IS great? not having to worry about calling in sick to work because one of my kids is sick. that is never going to get old.


Meghan said...

I am so sorry, its a bad bug. It moved thru our house pretty quickly. Hoping Sully is the only victim!! :)

Courtney said...

oh NO! the stomach bug is ALWAYS bad...but the summer is the WORST! praying NO ONE ELSE gets it!

Ellie said...