Tuesday, August 10, 2010

so I've been told...

I hear that there is a point in most pregnancies where the mother stops wanting to eat everything in sight at all points of the day and night.

In five pregnancies I have yet to achieve this glorious cease to the full out feed.

But I really need to find it.

This is getting beyond ridiculous!

Sunday night I made a cake. Just because I wanted to eat it. A full sheet cake.

And right now I'm pretty sure I could eat 4-5 cheeseburgers in one sitting if I had the opportunity.

I have no control.

Even the awful awful heartburn that I am experiencing does nothing to stop my stomach.


Happilyoutnumbered said...

That was totally me....every time! My problem is, my baby is 3 months old and I am still eating like that :) Good luck!

jen said...

Ummm.... I have that problem with sweets in the house and I'm not pregnant- so at least you are pregnant and can say you are just eating it for the baby-

Meghan said...

You look great.

And I ate all the time when I was pregnant, thus the reason I have to do weight watchers now.

Enjoy it!! :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, it doesn't get any better when you're nursing. I'm afraid I won't be able to stop eating when I stop nursing. Then I won't have an excuse!

yoderyears said...

Becky, you look great! Please eat more so I feel better about myself. How about I make you another cake? :)

Choose Joy said...

I don't know if I laugh more at your posts..or Mandy's witty comments. Anyhow, thanks for the laughs ladies!!!!

D G Curren said...

I'll take a "Mandy cake"!!!!