My baby is 6 weeks old today.
My last baby.
I can admit that I am not the greatest with infants.
I question every cry and noise.
After 5 infants...I still dont have them figured out.
God uses this time to really draw me to Him in my 'out of control state'.
When I feel like I have no idea what I am doing...He says 'You are right...come to Me, I know'
And He's been speaking to me a lot through Torrance.
Teaching me to let go of some things and slow down my days and focus on Him
And calming me and reminding me to cherish these fleeting days.
And she is the sweetest baby.
If she cries...we pick her up, hold her close and she's cooing.
She is the kind of baby that makes even the hardest of hearts melt.
Even the toughest become soft and even the most hurried slow down.
And she's 6 weeks old.
Its fading.
My last baby is already leaving the newborn stage.
Over the past two days she has grown I swear.
She seems huge.
And she is staying content longer, sleeping longer, eating more and faster, enjoying her bath, smiling at everyone and taking in what's going on around her.
Its fun and the kids love it and I'm encouraged that someday, maybe not that far off...I'll get real sleep again.
But I know that it also means that soon I wont be doing this...
And this is one part of infants that I could do forever.
Its the part that made me want FIVE!
So I'm holding on tight to these days and praying that
I will remember how this felt for a very long time.
That is one of the most beautiful pictures I have EVER seen!
What a sweet picture, Becky.
Enjoy your lovely snuggly moments!
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