Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sully = Joy

As I've said before...when this boy wants...he exudes joy.
Like no one else I've ever just pours from him.

He was simply adorable while opening gifts.
Every single gift had him jumping and spinning and yelling.
And saying, 'This is exactly what I wanted! You are the best mom and dad ever!!'
It was hysterical and had me about in tears from the laughter.

I'm not sure who was more excited about these nerf weapons Sully or Jordan...
Just look at his priceless face!

More Joy.

And his sweet side as he gave me one of his homemade gifts.

Oh. my. heart.


D G Curren said...

Aren't you so thankful you get to experience a little boy? So. much. fun.

Beckysblog said...