Sunday, December 19, 2010

sorry...but not really.

to anyone receiving a Christmas gift from our family and to my kids...

I apologize

your packages are ugly

they were not wrapped with love - they were wrapped with hurried fingers and distracted eyes

it was just one of those things that I had to let go of this year and not care about (not that I've ever wrapped well)

they will be given with love...just not wrapped that way


but not really...cause I feel so good that I wrapped every gift in about 35 minutes and now I'm going to rock my 2 month old instead of sitting at that table stressing

see...I'm growing!


Trina said...

I think my mom just shed a tear.

Unknown said...

I usually just shove everything in bags, so you're one up on most people for actually wrapping! :-)

Beckysblog said...

I know Trina! I kept thinking...Cindy would be absolutely cringing if she were watching.