Tuesday, December 07, 2010

What's in your fridge?

In my fridge at any given time there is no less than:
* 3 containers of OJ
* 2 jugs of milk
* 2 packages of string cheese
* 1 carton of eggs
* 2-3 bottles of breast milk
* 1 pack of sliced cheese
* 2 packages of block cheese

(we eat a lot of cheese!)

What is ALWAYS in your fridge?

Now after you've thought about that...think about those who dont have access to those things we take for granted.

And think about water...and how we take that for granted every day - when we brush our teeth, grab a quick drink, do laundry, water the plants, ect.

And then go here and Christmas shop for WATER! And Go here to learn more.

I just did!

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