Monday, December 13, 2010

Who ME?!?!

Who me?
Yes, you Torrance...

Like most of Iowa our house has been filled with runny noses and hacking coughs for the last few weeks. It was bound to happen...Torrance got sick.
Just a little cold about a week ago.

Then this weekend a little worse.
Then last night she slept over 6 hours but coughed and hacked all night.
And had SO much green drainage from her nose.
She sounds awful.
We headed to the dr. today.

Low temp.
Ear infection.
Possible RSV.
Poor sweet baby.


ScrappinFabBetty said...

She is such a cutie!!

yoderyears said...

Besides just being way adorable, she is getting way too big, way too fast. I have not had any 'newborn' holdings yet! I had a baby and missed out. You had a baby and I'm missing it. Maybe, Melanie??? There is still a chance.

Beckysblog said...

Mandy, we should swap babies for a day! :)

Courtney said...

man...she looks so sweet and happy!