Monday, December 27, 2010

the day after

dont you just hate the big let down that always comes once Christmas is over?


my house is completely destroyed with presents and ect scattered everywhere.

but you know what is great?

since I stay home...I dont have to clean it up today. I dont have to take the tree down in a mad rush today and find spots for everything that the kids received.

I'll probably get started on it today but for the most part Im going to enjoy my kids' vacation and not stress about it.

cause I know it will still be there waiting for me in a few days or even next week. I love that freedom to just let it sit while I relax and enjoy this time with the kids while I can.

hopefully I'll get pictures sorted through but I think Jordan took like 648 so it might take me awhile to get that accomplished!

we had a wonderful christmas together and I think I'll just pretend that it is still here!

so happy day after to you!

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