Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Break...Day 1

Tonight we celebrate Christmas with our kids. 
It is also the first day of break.
So my job for the day was to keep them as busy as possible!

To start the day they opened their last was to do something nice for our neighbors.
They elected to deliver cookies. 
And they had a ball running around the neighborhood.
I think it might have been their favorite gift of the 10 we did...loved this whole gift idea and will be a tradition for us. 
(just to keep it real, I will admit that my sugar cookies COMPLETELY failed and I was NOT pleased...
luckily the chocolate chip ones were wonderful!)

One thing I will surely miss most in Christmases of the future 
will be watching these two girls in poofy skirts. 
Oh little girls...

When Jordan came home for lunch we loaded and to go see the Wilson's while they are in town.
No Christmas would be complete with out at least a hug from them...and hopefully a few games of Pepper.
Our kids love visiting them as much as we do...seeing how Jerod is just an oversized kid and all. 

Now its 3:00 and we have a couple more hours to wait...sounds like time for a Christmas movie! 

1 comment:

mama barb said...

This just blesses my heart, oh how your children will remember,as I do..

mama barb