Monday, December 19, 2011


nothing like a great big 'welcome back slap in the face'

we walked in the door yesterday to find tori fresh from a nap and covered in an odd prickly rash. 

2 hours later she had a temp. She kept the temp all night. it never dropped. 

she did not sleep. i did not sleep. 

dr. this morning revealed a negative 'rapid' strep test. 

he thinks its all viral. and a nasty virus at that. 

she is completely pathetic. I feel so sad for her. 

and its not helping my 'prepare for christmas plans'

and walmart, the week before christmas seriously, you are out of cream of tartar (for my christmas cookies) and dried onions? 

really? are not my friend this monday.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Oh no! So sad to hear that rash wasn't just a fluke thing. Poor girl!