Thursday, December 01, 2011

24 Gifts - sort of

I'm not always the 'fun mom'.
I say no a lot.
I expect them to play together OR alone, without me. A lot.

So when I get to be fun and say yes...its fun for me too!

This is fun. And meaningful. And will force us to do all the things on my list that I want to do during the holidasy that can get put off.

These years with young kids home with us every night are coming to a close before we know it. And I want to treasure every Christmas I can where we are all home together every night. I know once its gone I will miss it like crazy. And this will help us create memories and family fun!

I originally got the idea from Courtney. She calls it...24 Gifts. But I had to modify it because I think 24 days might be more than I can handle. So we are starting this year with 10 Gifts.

Each of these gifts has a date on it. And will be opened on that date.
Nothing wrapped up here is new. But they are either symbolic for something we are going to do together or its a Christmas movie, a book, something we are going to do for someone else, or fixings for Christmas goodies ect.

Look at these faces! Excited and happy.
Mine was too.

I am super excited about this. And I had a total blast getting it all ready tonight...just me, some wrapping paper and some christmas music!

Now to be real...I will admit that tonight's gift didn't go great. They decorated paper for a paper chain. We started late...they were very tired...I was tired and not feeling great...I let them use was the perfect storm. ha! They were whiny and I got short with them. I wanted them all in bed asap.

But hopefully they will remember that it did start out as fun. Kids are good like that, right?!

I thought so.

And the rest of the gifts will go a lot better! :)

Then 1/2 hour after the project ended and they were ready for bed, I walked into the living room and found this...Kids have a way of humbling us don't they?! Really, these are some amazing kids.


Ellie said...

Wonderful idea!!

Sarah Guild said...

Our Jesse Tree readings and activites haven't been as totally fantastic as I envisioned, either. Love this idea!

Courtney said...

oh, yes. the expectations. but, you are right, they won't remember the "not so perfect" parts - they will remember the memories and the FUN!