Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Just have to share 2 Contessa stories from today:

1. All 5 kids and I made a marathon trip to get groceries for the fun weekend and make some Christmas returns today. By the time we were in Hy-Vee Sullivan was about done. He was at his limit and so was dancing around and playing imaginary 'catch' with some imaginary friend. Of course he ran into a New Year's display full of meats, cheeses and bottles of champagne. He almost knocked it over...from beside him Contessa says, 'Sullivan! You are a train wreck!'
Im still laughing...

2. I put away all the Christmas decor and started on the tree while the kids were napping today. I sent Lauren up to get Contessa up and she spotted me working on the tree from the stairs. She was instantly sobbing. 'Why mommy?! Why?!' 
Like hysterical sobbing. 
And clutching the tree begging me to leave it up. 
All I could think of was the scene from 'The Grinch' when Cindyloo sees the Grinch stealing the tree and she says, 'Santy Claus, why? Why are you taking our Christmas tree? Why?'

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