Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jesus made frosting!

We got some frost last night.

And from the sounds of it that is the closest to a White Christmas as we are going to get.

Tess walked outside with me today and gasped and said, 'Mommy! Jesus made frosting! There's frosting!'

She has heard us call frost - frost...and I guess to her we were talking about frosting.

Anyway, she was pumped! 'Look at the frosting mommy! Look at all the frosting!'

She licked it and said 'brr' and then proceeded to fall on her rear.

I went back to help her and she said, 'huh, His frosting is sure slippery!'

love this kid.

1 comment:

Choose Joy said...

I love the innocent comments. She is an absolute doll!!!!