Monday, September 08, 2008


I can't believe another weekend has flown by. It was a blur of activity.

Saturday night we took the kids and my mom to the Taste Iowa event. Jordan had to serve part of the meal for the bank and that left my mom and I with the 4 kids. They did pretty well. Some strange man came and told me that I had Tess dressed too warmly and that she needed to learn to climatize. What?

Sunday was Jordan's parents 35th Wedding Anniversary. We decided to suprise them with a family outing to Adventureland. We all met right when the park opened and it was the perfect day. There were no breakdowns from the kids and everyone just had fun. Aaron and Alexa get along so well with our kids. I love watching them all together. They are lucky to have cousins so close in age.
The girls are so lucky their dad is such a good sport and took them on all the water rides even though it was not warm enough. Avery got completely drenched and loved every second. Sullivan was not afraid to go on any ride. He would have done the roller coasters if we'd let him. I think his favorite was the cars and trucks and bumper cars! Lauren and I had a blast together on the Himalayan...I swear her laugh on that ride is priceless. Jordan even got me on the Dragon. And now I will need to go to the Chiropractor this week. After the full day of fun we went out to eat and then headed home. Getting home super late made for a rough start to this week.

Tess started at the sitter today - it was even harder to do than I had thought it would be. I know she is in capable hands - but shes not in my hands. ugh. Lauren's back in school, Avery has her first week of 2 days of preschool, and Awana starts this week.
I guess we're off and running! Pictures from Adventureland later!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I'm glad you had a fun time! Amazing that you made it with no meltdowns...I think I was even close to one after our day there:).