Sunday, September 21, 2008

Heaven Came Down

Tonight as I was making supper Lauren was coming in and out of the kitchen singing quietly. I listened closer to hear what song it was...and when I heard it my heart was so happy...
"Heaven came down and Glory filled my soul..."

We sang that song in church today. I love that song. My dad loved that song. When I was a kid my dad was the song leader in our church. He couldnt read music...funny! But he tried hard and he really got into the motions with his hands...I'm not sure if the congregation tried to follow his hands or if they just ignored them.
I vividly remember him painstakingly choosing the songs for each Sunday. He always tied them to verses and it made the songs so meaningful to everyone.

He'd really get into some of the songs and this was one of them. I loved hearing Lauren sing it tonight. I love that she loves to sing about heaven and I love that there are little things everyday that remind me of my dad.

"O, what a wonderful, wonderful day
Day I will never forget
When I was wandering in darkness away
Jesus my Savior I met

O, what a tender compassionate Friend
He met the need of my heart
Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling
He made all the darkness depart

Heaven came down and glory filled my soul
My sins were washed away
And my night turned to day
When heaven came down and glory filled my soul"


Cassie said...

so so sweet.
love lauren!!!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via Trina's blog - hope that's OK. The story about Avery and the fire is just too much. I'm nervous about having two... I think you're amazing for handling 4!

Beckysblog said...

Welcome Sarah! You need to start a blog too!

Jody said...

Hi...I wondered on to your blog from another. You seem like you have such a sweet family. I have three and am expecting my 4th. I'm a teacher and wondering how I will balance it all. Any tips? Do you work full-time?

Beckysblog said...

Jody, shoot me an email so we can chat...its listed in my profile.