Thursday, August 28, 2008


I need help. Tess does not nap well. At all. She did until probably 1.5 weeks ago. Now she takes 30-40 min naps and it is killing me. She doesnt wake up happy so I know this is not what she wants to be doing. I dont know what I am doing wrong.

Im not getting anything done and not getting much time with the older kids.

She sleeps great at night. At least 5 hours at a time. And the past 3 nights its been 7 hours.

Ive tried putting her to bed awake. Tried putting her to bed asleep. It doesn't matter.

Avery did this too and we never had a solution. She'd sleep for 9-10 hours at night and rarely nap. That is impossible to deal with for an infant. It was very hard and we ended up switching daycare providers over it at 9 months.

Any tips? I dont swaddle her at night so it doesnt really make sense to try that during the day?? thoughts on that?


Cassie said...

i'd try the swaddling. it's worth a shot. do you have any "white noise"? i think they even make white noise machines. but a fan or something might help.
sorry. i dont have a magical solution!

Beckysblog said...

I do the fan. All my kids sleep with a fan going. Or humidifier in the winter.
I feel like Im starting from scratch with baby #4. Then I saw another new mom last night and she told me to stop complaining. Her 1 month old is up from 2-4 during the night and she gets zero sleep.
Maybe I'm lucky?

Meghan said...

Emerson doesnt nap much during the day either, but does great at night! So I am not much help!

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

Not much experience either, Bode still take at 2-3 hour nap at 3+ years old! I would just make sure she is full to the brim when you lay her down. Could she be waking to eat? Any pooping issues? Maybe teething already? Just some thoughts...good luck! As much as I am ready to have another baby again (no Cassie, not yet!) I'm terrified to start over.