Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What's in a name...

Since Contessa is 6 weeks old I decided to explain her name. Its a bit different we know.

I've always loved the name Tess. But with our short last name I didnt really want to use it.

One day I was looking for names online and somehow Contessa came up. I thought, hmm, that could be a longer form of Tess. Then I looked up the meaning - Child of a King. Well that pretty much sealed the deal for me right there. I've been praying for her to become a child of the true king since the moment I found out she would be born so it seemed perfect!

I didnt think Jordan would like it but suprisingly he did like it right when I told him.
Also it would fulfill his wish to spell out L-A-S-T with our kids names with Tess.

And I knew that if my dad were here, he would love it, the name and the meaning.

Caroline was a bit of suprise to me. Jordan has said that I got to name all our kids. Its not true. We both loved the name Lauren - we first heard it when we were in college and we met a TINY little girl about 18 months old who was named Lauren. Lauren is the perfect Lauren.
Yes, I did name Avery, I had never even mentioned that name to Jordan until we were in the delivery room after she was born and the nurse said, so what's her name. I said, "how about Avery." And oh yes, she is such an Avery!
Now, Jordan wanted to name Sullivan something else. BUT we both liked Sullivan and so he compromised with me. Now of course there is no way he could be anything else. He is totally our Sully!

So anyway, I told Jordan he could choose Tess's middle name. When we were at the Arts Festival 2 weeks before Tess was born a band was playing Sweet Caroline. Jordan said, how can we not name her Caroline? So it stuck.

Contessa Caroline she is. And after 6 short weeks, Im really not sure how our house ever survived before we had a Contessa Caroline in it! ;)


Melanie said...

Jalen prefers to call her "baby Tess."

Beckysblog said...

Sully too.
And Avery likes to call her Tessi.