Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A SENSE of normalcy

Today Tess is 7 weeks old. It is flying by. I am enjoying her more than I ever thought possible. She is a sweet sweet baby, a true answer to my prayers. Jordan and I both keep saying that our other kids were just not this happy and content at this stage. Really, she just smiles and smiles. Now that I have said that it better not change! ha.

Things seem to be getting back to a sense of normalcy around here. I wouldnt call it normal, she's still a newborn but its getting easier. Im spending more time with the older kids, Tess is going to bed a little earlier and getting very close to sleeping through the night, school starts tomorrow and I dont think the kids even remember 'life before Tess'. I actually got to read before bed last night!!!

Today I told Lauren she could do ANYTHING she wanted. Pretty bold of me I know. But Lauren is usually pretty easy to predict. I thought we'd be heading to the park for a picnic or something. But no, she says, I want to go to the place where you can paint your own pot and they cook it and you take it home...translation - the paint your own pottery studio Ive been promising to take her to for 4 months.

That was not really in my plan, but I said ANYTHING. So she and I, my mom and Tess are heading out. Im really looking forward to it. She told me when we get home she is going to take a nap so that hopefully the day goes really fast and then she can go to bed and wake up and it will be time for SCHOOL. She might not be normal!

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