Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I predicted that by Tuesday night of this week I'd be having a breakdown. Thankfully that didn't happen..Im still holding it together after the first 3 days of bible school. Jordan was gone last night so I thought that would be my breaking point but Im still hanging in there!
Our class is going pretty well. I think they actually got something out of last night's lesson. Melanie brought along her snake and that helped hold their attention! The night before Im pretty sure all they got out of our time together was that getting out of your seat during the lesson was not allowed. Seriously, how do preschool teachers do it?!?!? Anyway, we have tonight and then Thursday night is the family fun night.
Today Im starting my version of 'tough love' with Tess. I'm laying her down for all her naps - awake. The first one went great. She fussed for 10 minutes and has now been sleeping for well over an hour. Im also going to try and figure out a loose schedule for her. I think she wants one and you all know how I feel about schedules and routine! Until now I just do whatever, and she's been napping in her car seat on our way to and fro and not getting more than one real nap a day. I think she'd do better with 2 real naps - we'll see!

Happy Wednesday.

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