Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is what I mean...

Yesterday my 'schedule' for Tess worked perfectly. She took two long naps and then just little cat naps other times. She ate great and was very happy and slept 6 hours last night.

Today, not so much. We were off to have the identical schedule as yesterday but her first 'long' nap lasted 30 minutes. So we started over. Got her down for another nap - 45 minutes.

I know she is only 6 weeks and isnt going to be predictable at this point. But...
This is what I mean when I say that infants make me feel like a failure. Im doing the same thing I did yesterday!!!!!


Cassie said...

our schedule is still being altered day by day. it frustrates me a bit, too. maybe schedules are overrated.

Beckysblog said...

CASSIE!!! Do you know me at all!??!?! ! !

kidding. ;)

Courtney said...

you made it! right? VBS is done and you made it and survived and did it WELL! yea!