Saturday, October 04, 2008


I am beyond tired tonight. I've been having some back problems and some ribs that are out of place - didnt even know that was possible. Its not helping my sleep problems. I am so happy that we finally bit the bullet this weekend and bought a new bed. It will arrive next week. Words cannot express my excitement.

We spent most of the weekend at my mom's with two of my brothers. We stayed up playing cards last night and then the entire day and evening at my mom's today. We are all exhausted. The kids have all had baths and are heading to bed. Jordan's at a Men's Outreach event at our church and I am hoping he gets home soon so we can get some sleep too.

My brothers spoil my kids with attention. Nick took the older three to the park for over an hour and then to the local drug store for ice cream and chips for lunch, followed by bags FULL of candy to bring home. I think that he might spoil them now because he was so ridiculously mean to me when we were kids!!! That's my theory anyway!!

Tomorrow we've got church and then I'll likely spend the day doing laundry and cleaning the house. For now, good night!!!!

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