Thursday, October 02, 2008

Three Months Old!

So this post should have come yesterday when Tess actually turned three months old...but I'm doing it now so that's good at least!

Contessa Caroline you went and turned three months old! I dont remember telling you that you could do that!

Here is what you are up to at 3 months:
- ALMOST reaching out and grabbing for your toys. We can tell you want to do it SO bad!
- smiling so big! Daddy says you have the most beautiful smile he's ever seen
- however! when the camera comes out you get very serious. Whats that all about?
- still not a big fan of your carseat, but its getting better
- your favorite place to be is in the center of the room on a blanket starring around the room, listening to your family. I swear you'd stay there all day if I wasn't afraid you'd get trampled.
- you are not a great napper, but it doesnt spoil your disposition so we try not to complain
- you are still getting up once per night...sleeping somewhere between 5.5-7 hours each night. A little consistency please?
- you like to be in bed by 8:30 or 9 at night.
- you drink 4-5 ounces at each feeding
- you love to play with your hands and are testing out sucking on them. Once you find that thumb I have a feeling it will become your best friend!
- your favorite time of day is the evening! Daddy and I love this time with you...