Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sweet Sleep

Two great things are happening at our house. First we got our new bed. Let me tell you, it is worth every last penny we spent on it. Our kids might have to go without college, but I got a new bed, so its ok! ;)
The other thing is that Tess is getting so very close to sleeping all night without interrupting me. Last night she woke up at 2 and I went in and patted her and kissed her head and said, I love you. Then I walked out. By the time I got back to my room, she was done fussing. Then she slept till after 5:30. Ahhhhhh, so close.
She is still not a good napper. She is Avery. Which means she will not nap consistently or for any stretch of time until she is ready to cut down to one nap a day. Likely around 9 months. that's ok. I'm trying to focus on the fact that this is likely the last time I'll do this.
The last time I'll have an infant want to snuggle with me all day. When I look at it like that I can handle it.
But seriously, DO NOT look around my house when you come over. Its unorganized, messy and just plain dirty in some areas. And trust me, its not going to change any time soon. There is too much else to do and if I look at my house, I'll lose it. So for now Im just going to pretend that I cant see it.


Trina said...

I'll try to post some pictures of my floor, so that you'll feel better about your's! To "not see" our mess, you'd have to close your eyes! :)

Courtney said...

yea for tess almost sleeping through the night!!!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan was a B-A-D napper until he cut to one nap, too. Is there hope for the next one to be better??? I hope so. Or, my house will be looking sad for the next year.

Beckysblog said...

Sarah, there is great hope! Both Lauren and Sullivan were awesome nappers. Sully took three 2 hour naps per day until he was over 18 months old!!!