Saturday, October 25, 2008


We’ve had a quiet but good weekend so far. Friday night Lauren cheered at the football game and it was so fun to watch. Today we had Tess’s 3 month pictures and an attempt at getting all 4 kids for a Christmas card pic. We’ll see how those turn out!

After that we ate at the kids favorite restaurant, Carlos O’Kelly’s and then did some shopping. Then home for some time outdoors and some house work. Tonight Jordan is winterizing our windows (oh the joys of living in a 100 year old house! Thank you honey) and Jordan and I are hoping to watch a movie together after the kids head to bed.

Earlier this afternoon I told Jordan I had really enjoyed our day. He looked at me like I was a little crazy, ‘Really?’ he said. I couldn’t really explain why. It had been pretty ordinary. Sullivan was trying during pictures and LOUD at the restaurant. Avery fell at Hy-vee and put a hole in her best jeans and Lauren had a meltdown about not getting to ride in the truck shopping cart. But I still had fun.

I thought about it more. And realized that the day could have been seen as great, or a chore. For some reason my perspective today was that it was great. Ordinary, and great.

While watching my four kids all sitting together getting their pictures taken together I realized how truly blessed I am. I have four completely beautiful and perfect children. Trying, yes, loud, yes, whiny, at times, agrivating, at times and the list goes on. But I only have them this close to me for a very short time. A very short time. And I need to check my perspective more often. I need to see the ordinary as great. Each day that the 6 of us have together is a true gift. That should be my perspective. Every day.

It also reminded me of a song, which just about everything does…a song that I claimed as ONE of Jordan and I’s songs a long time ago. (I don’t believe I could have claim just one song as our song…I have hundreds that mean so much to me and speak so much about our relationship).

Me and You…by Kenny Chesney - (a few of my favorite lines)
Ordinary, no
Really don't think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny
We were meant to be
Me and you

Everyday I live
Try my best to give
All I have to you
Thank the stars above
That we share this love
Me and you

Ordinary, no
Really don't think so
Just a precious few
Ever make it last
Get as lucky as…me and you.


Cassie said...

i, personally, LOVE that perspective!

Courtney said...

AHHHH!!! i can't even TAKE it!!! that is/was one of pat and i's songs too - i can still remember sitting on the couch with him watching it on CMT WAY too late at night.

and what a great perspective on your day! :-)

Beckysblog said...

too funny Courtney!

Anonymous said...

Someone once told me: revel in your ordinary child. Same could be said for our ordinary days: revel in the ordinary. Thanks for sharing.