Saturday, September 26, 2009

by Faith

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 
Hebrews 11:1

I recently started a couple of new bible studies at church and one is all about faith. About letting go and letting God. About giving up control and handing it back where it belongs...with God. 

I'll admit, I'm not very good at this. I often think, "Well, God hasn't answered yet. That MUST mean that He wants me to take matters into my own hands and make it happen." Make it happen the way I want it to happen. 

Yeah, not good at giving up control, at walking not by sight...but by faith. 

In this study's first lesson we were asked to read Hebrews 11. 

After I read it and I noted all my scribblings in the margins that I've written there over time...I realized that I should be starting every day by reading this passage. 

How would my outlook change if I began every morning with stories of the faith of people like Abraham, Sara, Joseph, Noah, and Issac? 

Those were real tests of faith...
vs. 8 and 17 "hey Abraham - go, Im not going to tell you where, or give you a map, but pick up your family and go! oh, and later, you know that son that I promised you? Well place him on the alter and sacrifice him for me."

vs. 7 "hey Noah, I want you to build a big ship, and prepare for a world wide flood. Never mind that it has never rained before, ever. Never mind that the world is going to call you crazy, never mind that you are old."

My tests of faith are so small. But these men and women are there for us to read as examples of following our Lord with completely blind faith. They teach us how to close our eyes and 'go'.


Choose Joy said...

Trust and faith are so easy to say that we have. I have prayed about this a lot this month. TRUST & have FAITH! I think I have it and then my world gets rocked and I am once again on my knees! Great post! Just what I needed to read!

Shannon/Jodi said...

Thanks for the reminder.