Thursday, September 10, 2009

Snack Day!!!!!! And morning sweetness

Today is Sullivan's day to take snack to preschool. 

We made regular muffins for his 'friends' and gluten free for him. 
He was SO excited. 

Waiting while they bake!
(I hope his excitement continues when he actually eats, they are gross.)

And this is a picture of the face that greets me each morning. 
Its my favorite part of the day. She is SO full of smiles and excitement.

She truly can stop getting older right now. Today. 
She is a total joy. 
We laugh constantly because of her. 
She loves to dance, show off and make her siblings giggle, chase her and wrestle. 
She is such a youngest child! 

At 14 months she isnt walking yet...she'll take steps, cruise, walk behind things and walk while holding on of our fingers but not full out walking. She's just not ready I guess. She TOTALLY CAN!
She can follow commands when she wants to, but it seems that might not be too often!
She loves loves loves music. 
And loves animals even more. She barks!
She is a great eater...not picky. 
She sleeps wonderfully...although she doesnt need a whole lot. 1 nap per day...but its 2-3 hours so Im good. 
She loves being outside and adores her grandmas. 
Her words include; mommy, daddy, grandma, 'ruff', no, uh-oh, all gone, please, night-night and then a lot of screams that seem to mean something but we don't know what! (of course most of these are variations of the words but we know what she means. She also has a few signs that she uses to tell us things too. waving bye-bye is included in that.)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

i loved reading about tess at 14 months!