Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good Morning, Merry Sunshine

'Good Morning Merry Sunshine" is my grandma's way of saying good morning to people who are very special to her. I loved it. It was so cute and unique. Staying at her house wasn't complete if she didn't say that to you.

That leads me to my sadness. 

Last night I was driving to my bible study and Jordan called and told me to turn around and come home...that my grandma had a stroke. 

I came immedietly back home and got my mom and we started out on the 2 hour drive to my grandma's town. 

When we arrived we found out that the stroke had been a massive one and there was a great deal of bleeding on the brain. 

She is basically in a coma. Its a matter of time. Maybe today, maybe 3 weeks. Hospice is there now, keeping her comfortable. 

I got home about midnight last night and then drove back up today to see her again and bring my mom back home for some rest. 

She would have been 90 this year and we were planning a big party for her in one month. She would have LOVED every second of that. 

The hardest part of this is trying to explain it to my kids. Avery especially is not handling it well. My grandma lived with my mom for over a year before she had to go into the nursing home. And while there she spent 3 days per week with Avery, and lots of time with the other kids too. 

She is very special to them. And how special is that? Most kids dont even know their great grandparents...and mine have gotten to have special relationships with lots of theirs. So special. 

On my drive home last night I started thinking about the other thing that makes this so hard. She is my last grandparent. I will be a grandparent orphan. Not ready for that. 

Not even close. 

She is a great grandma. Her house was ALWAYS Filled with the best snacks and it seemed every time we went, she had new color books, crayons and markers. And the best...rubber cement. I dont know what I thought was so great about that but I loved pasting things with that stuff! 

This is just ick. 


Im tired of saying good bye. I long for heaven where we wont ever have to say that and where the tears will never need to fall. 


Ellie said...

Becky ~

I am so sorry. I will say an extra special prayer for you and your wonderful Grandma tonight. My heart just hurts for you. HUGS.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your comment about longing for heaven. Know that I'm thinking of you and hurting with you tonight. You're in many prayers and our God does answer prayers.


Andrea Dellit said...

Becky, I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you. Know that we love you and are thinking of you.

Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.
-- Author Unknown

Courtney said...

i'm so sorry becky.

(and i totally forgot about rubber cement! i used to use that stuff on EVERYTHING!)

angie said...

Becky, I am so sorry. We are wrapping our arms around you from Texas.

Jamie J said...

Thinking of you and your family....

Shannon/Jodi said...


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with your family and your mom. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Trina said...

Thinking of your family you!