Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fun with Daddy!

When I left on Friday I'm not sure who was more excited...the kids or Jordan. 
He had big plans in mind for them all. 
When I got home I asked if it was what he was hoping. He said, "Well I think the kids had a blast, but it was kind of chaotic."
I was laughing. "Uh, yeah think?!"
Jordan, you have 4 young think that planning a party for them to make roll out cookies and celebrate ISU is going to be a cinch?!
I said if they kids had fun and made some memories you can call it a success.
So he called it a success.
The poor guy looked a little tired last night when I got home!

But man, he did a good job. 

Here they all are ready to ISU gear. 

Time to put on the aprons!

Working hard. 

Mmmm, we did a good job!

She agreed. 

They decorated the house in red and yellow.

And then apparently tore it down and let the baby have some fun. 

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