Sunday, September 06, 2009


These comments from Sullivan this weekend were so precious, hilarious, and sad I just have to record them. 
Precious, because he is growing so much and he is getting so smart and I love to see him trying to understand things. 
Hilarious, because if there is one thing you can count on Sullivan for its a hysterical line out of no where that will leave you laughing. 
Sad, because I hate it that he has to struggle with itching, scratching, constant questions about what is wrong with his legs, and dietary concerns at the age of 3.

(I've decided posts without pictures are no fun...and he went and asked 
our neighbor for this flower 'to give my mommy', and that is sweet.)

So Saturday night when he got out of the bath I was going through the usual application of ointments for his legs. He was complaining because they were really itchy. He said, "Mommy, why do I have to have itchy legs for ever and ever?" (insert me wanting to cry right there)
I explained to him again that we were trying very hard to find that out. That soon we'd be going to a special dr. who was going to try and get it all fixed for him. 
He got a very excited look on his face and said, "YEAH! Then I can eat WHEAT!"

It might not sound that precious, hysterical or sad to read in print, but trust me, it was all 3 of those things. 

Then tonight at supper the girls were telling about the snacks they'd had in Sunday School today. Sullivan said, "Well my teacher gave me a yucky snack that hurt my tummy. She was WRONG! She didn't know I need special snacks when I told her. AND she gave me, WHEAT!"  

Jordan and I were both busting over that one. 

This gluten free thing gets really hard when you drop your kid off at SS with a different volunteer each week...and truly, only a handful of people even know what gluten free really is...its hard. And it is just in so many things you would never think did you know there is gluten in shredded cheese because they use flour on it in the factory before packaging to ensure it doesn't stick together?


Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

Whenever Bode would get poison ivy, I would put baking soda in his bath and it seemed to help the itching a little. It may be worth a try.

Courtney said...

i'm so sorry you all are having to deal with all'll be glad you're documenting all this one day...

Scott & Julie said...

I didn't know he was allergic to wheat. So good to know!!

And just in case you ever need the church nursery are allergy stickers. They are bright orange and then you just write what the child is allergic to - maybe that would help. I think those stickers are still in there.

Also, have you spoke with Pastor Dave, perhaps he would be able to help you communicate to the SS teachers what exactly he can and can't have.
