Sunday, September 20, 2009


My grandma passed away last night.

Honestly we are happy that part is over.

Family is gathering and the funeral will be Tuesday.

In talking with all of my brothers last night we all brought up wonderful memories that we had with my grandparents. We were so blessed. We had 2 wonderful sets of grandparents who taught us so much and gave us a history and a legacy that will live forever.

We feel sad now but as we look back we know that we have so much to be thankful for. So much to hold on to.

We are the lucky ones.

With a large family who is there for us and memories that will live forever.

We will miss you Grandma. But we thank you for all you have given us.

And now for a quote I stumbled sums up how I am feeling and what I am thinking about my family that I love so much...even thought its by a rather weird, random person...

"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich."
~Colonel Potter, M*A*S*H


Sarah Guild said...

First, our sympathies to your family. You are very blessed to have enjoyed a relationship with your grandparents for so long!I'm sure you'll miss her. Second, thanks for the use of the truck and car. Jonathan was talking about that truck on the way home...

Meghan said...

Thinking of you and your family.

Choose Joy said...

Sorry about your loss. Losing a dear family member is hard....Steve and I will pray for your families hearts thru this difficult time.

Jamie J said...

Thinking of you....