Thursday, October 22, 2009


So today my house smells like bleach. And I think its a lovely smell today. Clean.

Avery seems 100% fine.

Sullivan is so cranky I could scream, but Im trying to patient because I know he doesnt feel well. When he coughs he sounds 83. And when he coughs he holds his chest and says, 'owie'. I called the dr. and they said without a fever he is likely fine. But the nurse said to keep a really close eye on him and bring him in with even a slight fever. Wonderful.

Tess seems to be escaping it all.

Its 1:30. The house is clean. Every surface has been wiped, the floors are clean and the bedding is washed. The kids are about to go down for naps and I'm thinking that I might do the same. The cooking stuff is just going to have to wait till tomorrow!


Choose Joy said...

I have been tempted to buy those Clorox Wipes to wipe down everything. Glad to see you were pro-active.....Way to go!

Shannon/Jodi said...

Hope you're all feeling well soon.