Friday, October 09, 2009


So I've been a bad blogger. I've even had a couple of emails from friends asking if I was ok!

Yes, I am.

I've been in a funk, a tired, exhausted, migraine filled funk...but I am emerging.

And as proof, I'm blogging tonight. I'm back!

And, so my question is...who are these two?

When were they this little? And what did I do when they were the only ones around?

And this think its Contessa dont you...? Its AVERY! I couldnt believe it. Their baby pictures are identical.


Jennie Peakin said...

WOW! I think you're wrong...that last picture HAS to be Contessa! My goodness they look exactly alike! Adorable!

Courtney said...

wow! crazy how much they look alike!

i'm reliving some of those days...with only 2 kids...when joshua gets on the bus and i just have bailey and sawyer. it takes me back to those days. they were so sweet and simple (i didn't know it at the time!)