Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Cousins and Cold Weather!

Today is Adele's 1st birthday!!! Her mommy and daddy are busy packing up their house for the big move to GC tomorrow. So Aaron, Alexa and Adele are at grandma Cindy's while they work.
We had the kids over for some cold park time and cousin fun.

These two are adorable together. They think that each other is a little baby. They want to hold each other on their laps. Too funny. They were so excited to see each other!
"Well hi! How have you been?"

"Wow, you are cute! It must be your birthday or something!"

"I think I'll steal a hug and knock you over!"

"See, I'm being nice!"

"This is the best you're going to get of us together...take the picture!"

We had to bundle up for the park! Old man winter missed the memo that winter is still like 2 months away.

This kid is going to drive us crazy being stuck indoors. He was having a ball at the park. He's discovered there are ways to get to the top of the 'big kid' slides even if he cant reach the out.

The 'big' kids having fun. (Aaron and Alexa didn't have much cold weather gear - hence the scarf get ups they were sporting.)

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