Thursday, October 01, 2009

Still here

Yes, I am still here. I've been on hiatus...

The past 2 weeks have just exhausted me. Add that to some computer trouble and it equals little blogging.

Today I'm trying to reclaim this place we live in. It has been sorely neglected.

There's lots of good things going on too.

Its pretty chilly outside which means footie pajamas for Tess at night which is beyond cute! I love footie pjs. She is a walking fool, crawling has become a thing of the past. She is happy, happy, happy! And in love with dollies! Really you just cant imagine the cuteness.

Avery is desperately trying to read...I am doing lessons now to help her out. She loves it. She has asked at least 7 times today, Can we do some more lessons? We starting with sight words. She loves preschool and her 'friends', coloring and drawing. She is also really enjoying AWANA this year. Wanting to memorize and pass sections...its great and a big change from last year. Today she told me that she thinks we should have another baby and it should be a boy. I asked why and she said, "So it can play with Sullivan and Sullivan will leave Lauren and I alone!"

Sullivan is Sullivan! He is really into knowing his numbers and letters, singing and reading. He can also be found most days at our art table creating something. His favorite thing is to use scissors! He thinks preschool is 'ok' but he loves AWANA. He loves being big like Avery and Lauren. Being back on gluten this week has caused some tummy aches but no diarrhea. Today he told me that "Thomas Jefderso was his favorite President." Yeah. We'd been looking at coins earlier in the day and talking about whose faces were on them. So then after nap he told me. Love it.

Lauren is fully wrapped up in school. She loves every second. Cant learn enough or tell us enough about it. Her reading skills are out of this world. She is excited for her birthday next month - we told her she can have a sleepover!!! What was I thinking?! After school today she told me, "Mommy, I love coming home and seeing Tess's sweet face." yeah, love her too.

So that's us for the week. Hopefully our computer will get fixed soon and I'll back with pictures.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Avery... another boy would be a great addition :)

Courtney said...

i love footie pj's too! so cute!!!