Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Take Back

Turns out I hurt my husband's feelings by my blog post last night.

First let me say that it was in jest.

We joke a lot about cooking. a) becauase I'm not very good at it and b) because that is what my dad used to do to my mom and Jordan feels the need to keep the tradition alive.

Jordan is fond of saying, "I didn't marry you for your cooking."


So anyway, Jordan, I am sorry. And as proof, last night I made out my grocery list and it included all the fixings for the cheesy potato soup that you asked for earlier in the week.

The end. ;)


Choose Joy said...

Way to be an excellent wife! Your hubs may not have liked the meatballs..but God thinks it is great that you put in the effort for him! WAY TO GO!

Beckysblog said...

Thanks for the remind on that Tracy!

Tiffany said...

It wasn't you or your cooking. You were just following the wrong recipe! Jeff says I'm a great cook when it comes out of a box, so I feel your pain.