Friday, October 16, 2009

Poor Daddy and the 15 month old

Last night was game night in our house.

Jordan brought out the RISK game that he had saved by putting it under Tess's crib.
The kids lost interest in this game after about 30 minutes the first time he asked them to play.
Sullivan will play as long as he can make the plastic men and cannons shoot each other and make lots of noise. Lauren tries to be a good sport but Avery just flat out says no to it now.

And this is the game that never ends.

Well finally last night they all abandoned him. And he was the last one sitting at the table with no one to play his game with! I said, "Jordan, you are being way too competitive with this game...let them have some victories!" he said, "I'm not TRYING to win! I cant help it." I said, "Well you're not, NOT TRYING."
Poor Daddy!

Here is the game the kids prefer to play right now. It really is pretty fun! And it takes about 1/8th of the time to play as RISK!

Then there is this 15 month old girl.
She is becoming such a talker! She's taking after Avery in that department. Avery was an early talker and ALWAYS has something to say.
So does Tess. She will mimic just about anything we say. She has names for all her siblings. She loves to tell us what noises animals make. She says book, no, yes, hot, please, thank you, mommy, daddy, bath, grandma, puppy, kitty, cow, ow, uh-oh, hello, bye bye, night-night, cheese, all-gone, tickle-tickle and the list goes on. She's always babbling and telling me some story. I LOVE it. There is nothing cuter.
She makes the most adorable tongue clicking noise when you ask for a kiss and she gives the world's sweetest hugs. She's a real snuggler.

However, she is also the typical youngest child. She thinks she can get away with anything...and basically she can. She expects her siblings to do whatever she wants and to give her whatever they have if she wants it. And they all give in. And they think she is the best thing ever. They love to listen to her talk as much as we do. They are fascinated by the things she is learning each day.
And we are all in trouble. She's got us where she wants us.
And she is now biting. Fun. She apparently really likes the taste of Sully. He gets it a lot.

But look at those eyes.

And that face? That's the one she gives you when she wants to get out of trouble.
And its hard to resist.
What are we going to do with her?!?!?


Cassie said...

when you figure out what to do with her, please share.

she is ADORABLE!

D G Curren said...

Too funny! Abby rarely bites but when she does, it's ALWAYS Brad! We tell him that it is her only form of defense!

Rosanna said...

And "Zanna"; don't forget that she can say that word, too! (Although my Mom and I are the only two people who have ever heard it:)

And I have the perfect solution for you Becky. Are you ready for this? Just have another kid, and - presto - Tess is no longer the youngest! Love you guys.

Courtney said...

ahhh! she is so cute! how i would LOVE to get her and sawyer together!

Anonymous said...

I agree Zanna, but hold on JD, when they are all 20 or above and you no longer get to play, you will sit back and remember when and love each moment!!!

Love ya

ps...don't you hate it Bec that I figured out how to leave a comment!


Cassie said...

paul loves that game, too.
but i hid it in the very back corner of our game cupboard.
one day i'm afraid he will find it...