Thursday, February 04, 2010

Eyes in the back of my head

Now that was FUN!

We were eating breakfast and out of the corner of my eye I saw Sully wipe his hands down his shirt instead of on his napkin.

I corrected him and Avery said, "How did you even see that? You weren't looking at him."

I said, "Avery, Mom's have eyes in the backs of their heads."

Avery and Sully's eyes both got HUGE! Avery said, "You do? Can I see them?"

I said, "No you cant because they hide except for when I really need to use them."

She thought about this for awhile and said, "Do I have them in the back of my head?"

I said, "No, but when you are a mom they will grow in."

She is AMAZED and said, "Does daddy?"

I said yes.

She said, "Well his must not work like yours cause he doesn't see EVERYTHING like you."

I laughed and I have continued to laugh as she and Sullivan have spent at least 10 minutes searching through the hair on the back of my head for my 'hidden eyes'!

They totally believe me!

Love it.


Courtney said...

that is so great!

Sarah Guild said...

Definitely one of the best things I've heard in a while!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Do you know they start to be needed Much less with grandchildren!!!!

mama barb

Melanie said...

that kind of creeps me out a little!!