Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Having little girls is just plan F.U.N.!!!

Lauren participated in a dance clinic with the HS Dance Team on Friday and then on Saturday she got to perform at their show.
She spent most of Saturday morning practicing and teaching Avery the moves.

We had fun doing hair and make-up for the show.

Of course Avery had to get in on this part of the fun!

Lauren sat with her friends during the show. I just watched from a few rows back with Avery.
Lauren just seems so old. She has so much fun with the girls in her class.
She is sweet and kind and I love that. But she is fun and funny and loves to laugh and giggle.
And here she looks 12. And she can stop.
I got choked up watching her dance and smile out there.
She really is a natural performer.

The girls in 1st and 2nd grade danced to Miley's 'Hoedown Throwdown'
and they all did great, especially for only having one practice.
(I took video instead of still pictures during the actual performance.)

Striking a pose!


mama barb said...

Be still my heart...why did I have to have only one girl???

mama barb

yoderyears said...

I've got to agree...little girls are so special! We love the two we have. Maybe we will be adding a third, like you guys :)But, that is where it will stop!