Thursday, February 18, 2010

Normal, where are you?!

You know when you have sick kids or you yourself are sick and you think, wow, I really took health for granted! I just want everyone to be healthy and then I'll never complain again.

That is where I'm at...

I want normal and then I'll never complain again.

Our kitchen is the only useable space in the main floor of the house. And the kids are TOTALLY over playing upstairs.

So we are trying to be gone everyday. All day.


or not.

And yes, Im whining and complaining, so I'll stop.

Because the sun is shining and even if the house is a disaster, its warm and in a week it will be all back to normal and everyone is healthy.

So now I will shut up and try to find places for us to spend our day!


D G Curren said...

AND you will have beautiful floors in the end. Always much to celebrate!!! (Quoted from Mandy's blog)
James 1:12

Courtney said...

that's so hard, though! hang in there!!!